
City builders have a long run in the gaming world, but not many titles hold so much history like Simcity. This game, as you can imagine, is a city simulator, in which you’ll be making all the important choices making you feel like a true god. This game can’t actually be won or lost, but that didn’t stop it from being one of the most popular games of 1989, since Simcity gave games endless possibilities in a real time simulation.
If it’s your first time playing Simcity, the most probable outcome is that you will end up unleashing all kinds of disaster around your town, while you bulldoze anything that stays on its feet. But even though the senseless destruction is quite entertaining, there are lots of other things for you to do inside Simcity and you’ll realize that when you get tired of seeing Godzilla burning the buildings.
Simcity, formerly known as “Micropolis”, starts with you letting you choose the name of your new city and the difficulty. If you choose the hard mode, the number of disasters, the taxation tolerance and the maintenance cost are going to be crazy high making your citizens riot, the world shake and everything catching fire in a few minutes.
This simulation is amazing, since your citizens take their own choices based on what you do with the city. For example, if you build houses next to the power plant, the citizens that live on them will start making a lot of money, thanks to the fact that they capitalized the market and their houses will be constantly upgraded.
If you want to create the best city in Simcity, make sure to create enough power plants, connect them to the whole city and make transportation accessible to all of your citizens; you can worry about the tornadoes later.